Swift 學習筆記

通用型別 (Generic Types)

使用 Generic 的理由

先來看看如果沒有 Generic Type,程式寫起來有多累人。下面範例中兩個 Function 功能相同,只是一個針對Int、一個針對String,如果將來還出現其他型別的應用,複製貼上的方式實在不夠聰明啊!

func swapTwoInts(a: Int, b: Int) -> (Int, Int) {
    return (b, a)
swapTwoInts(1, 2)               //return: (.0 2, .1 1)

func swapTwoStrings(a: String, b: String) -> (String, String) {
    return (b, a)
swapTwoStrings("foo", "bar")    //return: (.0 "bar", .1 "foo")

改成 Generic Function 不但型別通吃,更能避免複製貼上衍生的問題。

  • 函式名稱後使用<T>宣告Generic Type用法。
  • 原先函式中有關型別的關鍵字通通替換成T
func swapTwoValues<T>(a: T, b: T) -> (T, T) {
    return (b, a)

swapTwoValues(1, 2)             //return: (.0 2, .1 1)
swapTwoValues(3.14, 2.71)       //return: (.0 2.71, .1 3.14)
swapTwoValues("foo", "bar")     //return: (.0 "bar", .1 "foo")

型別限制 (Type Constraint)

雖然 Generic 很強大,BUT! 有時候卻沒那麼神奇。下面範例試圖將compareInt()compareString()改造成通用型的compare(),編譯器卻發出錯誤訊息。

func compareInt(a: Int, b: Int) -> Bool {
    return a > b

func compareString(a: String, b: String) -> Bool {
    return a > b

func compare<T>(a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
    return a > b    //error: error: binary operator '>' cannot be applied to two T


func compare<T: Comparable>(a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
    return a > b

compare(1, 2)           //return: false
compare(3.14, 2.71)     //return: true
compare("foo", "bar")   //return: true


看起來只要繼承特定協定就能符合 Generic 的要求,但是下面範例編譯器又抱怨Person不支援Comparable

func compare<T: Comparable>(a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
    return a > b

class Person {
    var age: Int
    init(age: Int) {
        self.age = age

compare(Person(age: 35), Person(age: 20))   //error: error: cannot invoke 'compare' with an argument list of type '(Person, Person)'


  • 使用extension擴充Person的有關Comparable功能。
  • 實作==(a: Person, b: Person)
  • 實作<(a: Person, b: Person)
  • 只要有==<,就能延伸出其他比較運算子><=>=
  • 實作全域性比較運算子的理由請參考說明:Note that we define these as global functions, not as methods on our Car class. Remember that function dispatch is based on the type-signature of the function arguments.
func compare<T: Comparable>(a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
    return a > b

class Person {
    var age: Int
    init(age: Int) {
        self.age = age

extension Person: Comparable {}

func ==(a: Person, b: Person) -> Bool {
    return a.age == b.age

func <(a: Person, b: Person) -> Bool {
    return a.age < b.age

var p1 = Person(age: 10)
var p2 = Person(age: 20)
compare(p1, p2)


var numbers = [1, 3, 2, 4]
numbers.sort(<)     //return: [1, 2, 3, 4]

var persons = [Person(age: 15), Person(age: 44), Person(age: 37)]
persons.sort(<)     //return: [{age 15}, {age 37}, {age 44}]

Generic Struct

再看一次沒有 Generic Type 的世界。

struct IntQueue {
    var items = [Int]()

    mutating func enqueue(item: Int) {
    mutating func dequeue() -> Int? {
        return items.count > 0 ? items.removeAtIndex(0) : nil

var iq = IntQueue()
iq.enqueue(1)       //return: {[1]}
iq.enqueue(2)       //return: {[1, 2]}
iq.enqueue(3)       //return: {[1, 2, 3]}
iq.dequeue()        //return: 1
iq.dequeue()        //return: 2
iq.dequeue()        //retrun: 3
iq.dequeue()        //return: nil

struct StringQueue {
    var items = [String]()

    mutating func enqueue(item: String) {
    mutating func dequeue() -> String? {
        return items.count > 0 ? items.removeAtIndex(0) : nil

var sq = StringQueue()
sq.enqueue("foo")   //return: {["foo"]}
sq.enqueue("bar")   //return: {["foo", "bar"]}
sq.enqueue("qiz")   //return: {["foo", "bar", "qiz"]}
sq.dequeue()        //return: "foo"
sq.dequeue()        //return: "bar"
sq.dequeue()        //return: "qiz"
sq.dequeue()        //return: nil

套用 Generic Type 的struct人生變成彩色的。

struct Queue<T> {
    var items = [T]()

    mutating func enqueue(item: T) {
    mutating func dequeue() -> T? {
        return items.count > 0 ? items.removeAtIndex(0) : nil

var iq = Queue<Int>()
iq.enqueue(1)       //return: {[1]}
iq.enqueue(2)       //return: {[1, 2]}
iq.enqueue(3)       //return: {[1, 2, 3]}
iq.dequeue()        //return: 1
iq.dequeue()        //return: 2
iq.dequeue()        //retrun: 3
iq.dequeue()        //return: nil

var sq = Queue<String>()
sq.enqueue("foo")   //return: {["foo"]}
sq.enqueue("bar")   //return: {["foo", "bar"]}
sq.enqueue("qiz")   //return: {["foo", "bar", "qiz"]}
sq.dequeue()        //return: "foo"
sq.dequeue()        //return: "bar"
sq.dequeue()        //return: "qiz"
sq.dequeue()        //return: nil

Generic Function

定義 Function 接受特定類型的物件,並可搭配where額外限目標制物件必須符合哪些protocol

eat<T: Stuff where T: Eatable>(food: T)要求食物要是個東西Stuff,不管好吃Delicious或難吃Disgusting只要能吃Eatable就可以。Stone沒有繼承Eatable,呼叫eat()會發現東西啃不下去。

protocol Eatable {}
protocol Delicious {}
protocol Disgusting {}

class Stuff {}
class Stone: Stuff {}
class Food: Stuff, Eatable {}
class DeliciousFood: Food, Delicious {}
class DisgustingFood: Food, Disgusting {}

func eat<T: Stuff where T: Eatable>(food: T) {}

eat(Stone())    //error: cannot invoke 'eat' with an argument list of type '(Stone)'

Generic Class

Generic Class 實作方式與 Struct 大同小異,就差在繼承機制而已。

下面範例,雖然ColorBall繼承與實作了Colorful協定,但因為Queue<T: Box where T: Colorful>只接受Box物件,所以ColorBall就被擋在門口囉。

protocol Colorful {
    var color: String { get }

class Box {}
class ColorBox: Box, Colorful {
    var color: String
    init(color: String) {
        self.color = color

class Ball {}
class ColorBall: Ball, Colorful {
    var color: String
    init(color: String) {
        self.color = color

struct Queue<T: Box where T: Colorful> {
    var items = [T]()

    mutating func enqueue(item: T) {
    mutating func dequeue() -> T? {
        return items.count > 0 ? items.removeAtIndex(0) : nil
    func countColorItems(color: String) -> Int {
        return items.reduce(0) { $1.color == color ? $0 + 1 : $0 }

var queue = Queue<ColorBox>()
queue.enqueue(ColorBox(color: "red"))
queue.enqueue(ColorBox(color: "blue"))
queue.enqueue(ColorBox(color: "red"))
queue.enqueue(ColorBox(color: "blue"))
queue.countColorItems("red")  //return: 2

queue.enqueue(ColorBall(color: "yellow"))   // error: cannot invoke 'enqueue' with an argument list of type '(ColorBall)'
