Swift 學習筆記



Protocol 簡介


  • protocol只宣告不實做。
  • 規範屬性可以是唯讀{ get }或可讀寫{ get set },但不可唯寫。
  • 規範方法方式如同定義 Function,不需加上{}
  • 可以使用 Protocol 型別的變數儲存物件,但只能使用 Protocol 定義的屬性與方法。
protocol Movable {
    var x: Int { get set }
    var y: Int { get set }
    func move(x: Int, y: Int)

class Point: Movable {
    var x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 0

    func move(x: Int, y: Int) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

var point: Movable = Point()    //return: {x 0 y 0}
point.move(10, y: 20)
point                           //return: {x 10 y 20}

Protocol 多重繼承

Swift 不支援class多重繼承機制,但可以繼承多個protocol

protocol Movable {
    var x: Int { get set }
    var y: Int { get set }
    func move(x: Int, y: Int)

protocol Resizable {
    var w: Int { get set }
    var h: Int { get set }
    func resize(w: Int, h: Int)

class Rect: Movable, Resizable {
    var x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 0
    var w: Int = 10
    var h: Int = 10

    func move(x: Int, y: Int) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    func resize(w: Int, h: Int) {
        self.w = w
        self.h = h

var m: Movable = Rect()
m.move(10, y: 20)
m.resize(20, h: 10)         //error: 'Movable' does not have a member named 'resize'

var r: Resizable = Rect()
r.resize(20, h: 10)
r.move(10, y: 20)           //error: 'Resizable' does not have a member named 'move'


protocol Movable {
    func move(x: Int, y: Int)

protocol Colorful {
    var color: String { get set }

class Point {
    var x: Int = 0
    var y: Int = 0

class ColorPoint: Point, Movable, Colorful {
    var color: String = "blue"
    func move(x: Int, y: Int) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

var point = ColorPoint()    //return: {{x 0 y 0} color "blue"}

Protocol 誤區

  • 不可把protocol屬性宣告為常數。
protocol Moveable {
    let x: Int { get }  //error: 'let' declaration cannot be computed properties



  • 沒有擴充對象的程式碼。
  • 擴充類別使用final關鍵字。
  • 不想讓擴充影響未來的使用者。
class Foo {
    func fun1() {}

extension Foo {
    func fun2() {}

var foo = Foo()


  • computed property
  • method
  • init
  • subscript
  • protocol
  • nested type
extension Int {
    var toString: String {
        get {
            var output: String = ""
            var num = self
            while num != 0 {
                switch num % 10 {
                    case 0: output = "零" + output
                    case 1: output = "壹" + output
                    case 2: output = "貳" + output
                    case 3: output = "參" + output
                    case 4: output = "肆" + output
                    case 5: output = "伍" + output
                    case 6: output = "陸" + output
                    case 7: output = "柒" + output
                    case 8: output = "捌" + output
                    case 9: output = "玖" + output
                    default: break
                num /= 10
            return output

    func times(action: ()->()) {
        for _ in 1...self {

    subscript(n: Int) -> Int {
        return self * n

689.toString                //return: "陸捌玖"
3.times { print("Hello!") } //output: Hello!Hello!Hello!
3[4]                        //return: 12